Feel Like Something is Missing In Your Life? Look Inside Yourself.
When things aren’t going so well, we tend to look at our lives and blame everyone else or everything else around us for what we are missing. It’s our parents, our upbringing, our neighborhood, our work life, etc. It is simply the easy thing to do to look outside ourselves.
What if what you’ve been missing is you all along? A feeling of lack can simply be that you are wanting more of your own energy in your life. You are the thing you’ve been looking for in your life.
But how do you recognize your own energy? How do you get into feeling, being, and expressing more of yourself?
Where you are looking may be the key. Are you seeing everything that isn’t you all the time? Maybe even fighting against it. A common one - when you see your parents reflected in you. You sound or do things like your parents. Having this awareness is beneficial, but also not helpful if it is all you can see.
Or are you looking at your own energy - what is you? How do you even begin to recognize what your energy looks like? Feels like? Your energy - you - would never invalidate you. So, al the things that feel uncomfortable and you dislike, are likely not your energy.
In learning new meditation tools, you can learn a new way to release energy that doens’t work for you. You can learn to work with energy in a way that benefits you and your dreams. When you are in your own energy, there is a sense of flow to your life; life seems easy. When you are in the middle of someone else’s energy, things can seem more dramatic or simply not work for you. But, do you know what is and isn’t your energy?
In advanced psychic meditation, you use all your psychic tools to begin to gain clarity on what is and isn’t your energy. In doing so, you create space so that you can have more of your energy in your life. So, instead of living your life like your parents, friends, or society's expectation, you can live your life to the fullest express of your truth - your energy.
Learn new tools to enrich your experience of your own energy in Advanced Psychic Meditation - which begins Thursday, January 21st, at 6pm. You can enroll here:
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*Prerequisite is Psychic Meditation - which begins in a little over a week! Several class choices on various days/times.